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Issue #973

Serpent's Embrace dialogue issues with Andreja

10 months ago

2 related issues with Andreja's dialogue if player uses [Serpent's Embrace] options.


  1. Selecting [Serpent's Embrace] dialogue options when Andreja reveals that she is House Va'ruun does not set stage 1000 "Player Knows Andreja is House Va'ruun" in quest 0023DF2A. It is definitely supposed to set stage 1000, Andreja has dialogue during "Unity" that requires both this stage to be set AND serpent's embrace trait which would make no sense otherwise.
  2. In DIAL 00224FDB (during quest "Unity", companion response to claiming the Great Serpent sent you a vision), Andreja has 2 possible responses (00224F8C and 0031B4D7) with identical conditions, in particular they both require that stage 1000 of quest 0023DF2A is NOT set. Comparing with 00224FDC and 00224FDA, it is clear that 0031B4D7 should require that stage 1000 be set.

Game Version



English (EN)

New Game


Reproduction Steps

for 1): Select relevant dialogue options, sqs 23df2a, stage 1000 is not set.

Platform: PC (Steam)
Type: NPCs
Fix Ready
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7 months ago

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