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Issue #924

Community Patch Updates needed since Starfield 1.10.31 & 1.10.32

10 months ago

Fixes that are no longer needed or need to be modified for better compatibility.

Details MQ401 "New Game Plus Standard Handling" [QUST:001DC45E] SFCP adds properties for the Coe Estate Door so that it would be unlocked for Sam's Commitment quest. This fix is no longer needed due to 1.10.31 fixing this issue within Sam's Commitment quest. UPDATE, see 1st comment below. Beth's "fix" didn't actually fix anything, but it is easy enough to fix their fix.... Remove Coe Door properties from 001DC45E and the modified script Fragments:Quests:QF_MQ401_001DC45E.

SFCP also uses MQ401 "New Game Plus Standard Handling" [QUST:001DC45E] to fix #369. I suggest starting COM_Companion_SamCoe_CoraCoe_Handler "Cora Coe" [QUST:00187BF1] from the Update script instead of using MQ401 "New Game Plus Standard Handling" [QUST:001DC45E] properties and scripts to start it to maximize compatibility (this fix for Cora's quest not starting in NG+ when skipping the main quest is still needed as it is started within The Empty Nest quest which does not run when skipping the main quest). This fix is pretty important and wouldn't want it to get lost by the quest header being overwritten by another mod. The update script could listen for a setstage on MQ401 and start it at stage 450 or 455 of MQ401 (it's one or the other so would need to be set to start on either one) so that Cora isn't hanging out in the basement before you ever meet Sam in NG+.

My scripting skills are not great, but maybe something like this (untested and probably needs different conditioning to ensure it only listens if in NG+):

Event OnStageSet(int auiStageID, int auiItemID)
  Quest CREW_EliteCrewCoraCoe = Game.GetForm(0x00187BF1) as Quest
  Quest MQ401 = Game.GetForm(0x001DC45E) as Quest
    if (auiStageID == 450 || auiStageID == 455) && !CREW_EliteCrewCoraCoe.IsRunning()
      SFCPUtil.WriteLog("Starting Cora Coe crew quest")
      UnregisterForRemoteEvent(MQ401, "OnStageSet")

  ; Fix for
    if (!b001CoraCoeFix || (CurrentVersionGTE(0,0,1)))
        Quest CREW_EliteCrewCoraCoe = Game.GetForm(0x00187BF1) as Quest
        Quest MQ401 = Game.GetForm(0x001DC45E) as Quest
        ; Added MQ401.GetStageDone(300) && (MQ401.IsStageDone(450) || MQ401.IsStageDone(455))
        ; MQ401.IsStageDone(300) makes sure that the main quest was skipped since this is the only time that the quest needs to be started
        ; (MQ401.GetStageDone(450) || MQ401.GetStageDone(455) makes sure that you have met Sam and Cora isn't just hanging out in the basement before meeting him.
        if (iTimesEnteredUnity > 0 && !CREW_EliteCrewCoraCoe.IsRunning()) && MQ401.IsStageDone(300) && (MQ401.IsStageDone(450) || MQ401.IsStageDone(455))
            SFCPUtil.WriteLog("Starting Cora Coe crew quest")
            RegisterForRemoteEvent(MQ401, "OnStageSet")
            SFCPUtil.WriteLog("Cora Coe crew quest does not need to be manually started. Skipping Fix.")
        b001CoraCoeFix = True
    endif This isn't anything to do with the Starfield update, but a change that I feel would be beneficial for compatibility. This should actually be set on an INFO topic (the properties for the topic were not set properly so this is why it was not being set). This will improve compatibility as quest headers and scripts would still be vanilla, plus is appears this is how it should have been set. Remove COM_SamCoe_Story_SG02 [SCEN:0026C506] and the modified script Fragments:Scenes:SF_COM_SamCoe_Story_SG02_0026C506 from the Community patch and instead change the properties on [INFO:0026C5A1] ('And if she just learned to pick up after herself she just might live until she's 13.' in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:0026C5E3]). Tested and verified working.

image This isn't anything to do with the Starfield update, but a change that I feel would be beneficial for compatibility. Remove COM_Quest_SamCoe_Commitment "Commitment: Sam Coe" [QUST:000DF7AD] and the modified Fragments:Quests:QF_COM_Quest_SamCoe_Commitme_000DF7AD script from the Community patch and instead change the properties on [INFO:0023DFA5] ('Well, apparently we're having a ceremony! Any time you're ready, head over to Akila City.' in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:0023E003]). This will improve compatibility as quest headers and scripts would still be vanilla, plus is appears this is how it should have been set. Tested and verified working.

image SFCP modifies the ownership of 0022F4A2 to SyndicateFaction [FACT:00270274]. This was fixed in Starfield v1.10.31 and is no longer needed in the Community Patch. Remove 0022F4A2 from SFCP. Starfield v1.10.31 adds a condition to [INFO:00187B59] ('Laughs Okay. Good one, Cora. Next time you see Barrett try it out on him.' in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:00187BC7]) so that if Barrett is dead it won't fire. Remove COM_CoraCoe_RC_07 [QUST:00187BF5] from the Community Patch. This was fixed in 1.10.31. Tested and verified working as of 1.10.31. Remove lc116world "Nishina Research Station" [WRLD:0023B8C3] and all sub records from SFCP

Game Version



English (EN)

Have you recreated this issue on a new game?

Yes, I can recreate this issue.

Reproduction Steps

Nothing to reproduce. Just check changes made in Starfield.esm and the changelogs.

Platform: PC (Steam)
Type: Missions & Dialogue
Fix Ready
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9 months ago

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