When speaking to Breyson during Absolute Power, he has dialogue to respond to companions but the conditions are incorrect so they never fire.
All INFOs under [DIAL:0018238B] 00182384 00182385 00182386 00182387
Conditions for GetDistance are set incorrectly and should be: QuestAlias.GetDistance(PlayerRef [PLYR:00000014]) <= COM_InterjectionDistance [GLOB:0000D8A9]
For 00182386, both conditions are incorrect. The conditions should be: QuestAlias.GetIsVoiceType(NPCMBarrett [VTYP:00005B85]) = 1 AND QuestAlias.GetDistance(PlayerRef [PLYR:00000014]) <= COM_InterjectionDistance [GLOB:0000D8A9]
Fix Attached: BreysonBayuReponseFixCF06.zip
English (EN)
Yes, I can recreate this issue.
During Absolute Power, talk to Breyson. Choose "I agree, he deserves everything coming to him." Breyson then talks about Benjamin Bayu talking about him behind his back. This is where a companion will chime in and Breyson is suppose to respond to them, but the conditions are incorrect so the dialogue doesn't fire.