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Issue #662

Multiple Weapons Have The Wrong Keyword

1 years ago

Multiple weapons have the WeaponTypeAutomatic keyword when they shouldn't, causing Marksmanship to not correctly identify them as non-automatic when they are.


WeaponTypeAutomatic should be given by the Automatic Receiver for the weapons that have it. Kodama, Grendel, Maelstrom, and Shotty have the WeaponTypeKeyword as part of their base Weapon - keywords ref which means it won't be removed when they don't have the Automatic Receiver. WeaponTypeAutomatic is checked by the Marksmanship skill to find out whether a used weapon is automatic or not, causing the effected weapons to never be effected by the skill, no matter what receiver they have.

Game Version


English (EN)

New Game


Reproduction Steps

Pick up any of the effected weapons, then take the Marksmanship perk and shoot enemies to check the critical hit chance.

Platform: PC (Steam)
Type: Items
Fix Ready
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5 months ago

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