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Issue #1130

Roach dialogue always shows player has completed 0 bounties

6 months ago

When talking to Roach in the Trackers Alliance HQ, your dialogue always shows "I've completed 0 bounties. How do we stack up?" regardless of the actual number you have completed.


This occurs because the dialogue uses the text substitution <Global=SFBGS003_Bounties_Total> but the quest never calls UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal() on that variable, so the quest's instance of that global remains at zero forever.

The solution I came up with is to add this simple script to the Roach alias on SFBGS003_DialogueTAHQ:

Scriptname RoachAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias

Quest Property SFBGS003_DialogueTAHQ Auto Const Mandatory
GlobalVariable Property SFBGS003_Bounties_Total Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnLoad()

This forces the quest to update its variable instance every time Roach loads. I would have preferred to fix this in the dialogue itself, but the text gets displayed before the scene script fragments run.

Game Version

Version 1.13.61


English (EN)

Have you recreated this issue on a new game?

Yes, I can recreate this issue.

Reproduction Steps

Talk to Roach after completing the first bounty quest.

Platform: PC (Steam)
Type: Missions & Dialogue
Fix Ready
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5 months ago

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