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Issue #1127

Guards refer to attack that never happened

7 months ago

In NG+, if you skip The Hunter's attack, guards will still mention seeing you running away from "that crazy guy", despite this never happening.


This is because this line of dialogue only checks to see if High Price to Pay has been completed, which is still true even if you skipped the attack. By adding an extra condition to also check that Further Into the Unknown has NOT reached stage 2000 (the Starborn ending), we can prevent this line from playing if you've skipped the attack.

Game Version



English (EN)

New Game


Reproduction Steps

Warn Vlad about the Starborn to skip The Hunter's attack, and complete Foreknowledge. Then spam the talk button on any guard in New Atlantis. Eventually, they will mention seeing you "running away from that crazy guy".

Platform: PC (Steam)
Type: Missions & Dialogue
Fix Ready
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6 months ago

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